
Our recipe ideas

Nutty snacks

Linguine with pistachio pesto

Pâtes au pesto et pistaches Menguy's, parfaites pour un déjeuner gourmand.


Serves 4:

  • 200 g pistachios

  • 10 fresh basil leaves

  • 35 g grated Parmesan cheese

  • 60 g extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1/2 clove garlic

  • salt & pepper

  • 350 g linguine

Step 1:

Blend the pistachios as thoroughly as possible to obtain a paste.

Step 2:

Add the oil and blend again.

Step 3:

Add the crushed garlic, grated Parmesan and chopped basil.

Step 4:

Blend until smooth. Top up with olive oil if necessary.

Step 5:

Cook linguine al dente, drain and mix with pistachio pesto.

Step 6:

Serve with Parmesan shavings.

Pâtes au pesto et pistaches Menguy's, parfaites pour un déjeuner gourmand.

Menguy's little extra: Add pistachio pieces for an extra crunch!

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