Who are
the Menguy’s
family ?

On a la french touch depuis 30 ans !

On a la french touch depuis 30 ans !

Our added extra?

Our added extra?

Gourmet know-how! Yummy!

Gourmet know-how! Yummy!

Picto french tech Menguy's

We’ve had the French touch
for 30 years!

In 1987, the Cormouls-Houlès family created and then developed this amazing French company. Menguy’s and its 250 employees have been working together with the French regional agricultural cooperative OCEALIA since 2020.

As farmers and employees, above all, we share all the friendliness of our meetings, the requirement for quality and the sustainable responsibility of our actions.

L'usine de production de graines, beurres de cacahuètes et extrudés Menguy's à Mazamet dans le Tarn
Picto notre truc en plus Menguy's

Our added extra?

We go to meet our partner producers, in the four corners of the world to set up genuine controlled procedures to personally guarantee
the best for our consumers.

Menguy’s takes you on a journey!
Let’s go!

Origine des graines Menguy's et une carte du monde.
Picto savoir-faire gourmand Menguy's

Gourmet know-how!

Manufacturing nuts, grains and olives into delicious products for snacks, breakfast and cooking. With unique processes designed for maximum flavour, nutritional values, and compliance with very demanding quality procedures (IFS, BRC, FSMA etc.) from the producer through to the packaging.

Enjoy Menguy’s with complete confidence!

carte de France avec nos usines de production

Committed to the good
and for the good!